Monday, October 4, 2010

Point and shoot: A not so subtle hint

You may have noticed over the last few weeks there has been a lot of photos of cupcakes popping up, and I may have hinted of a new venture, it' nearly time for an announcement. 
I'm sure if you read between the lines you'll figure out what I'm up to (the photo is a BIG hint) but I'll fill you in more in the coming days as soon as I can get my head straight.
My point and shoot for this week is my first proper PAID job for this new venture

YUMM. I was a little nervous and forgot to take my "good" camera, but these little babies are Lemon cupcakes and Milo cupcakes for a little engagement lunch.

Oh so much to share.
Note to self - find 5 minutes this arvo to share my Daylesford goodies!!!


  1. Helllooooo, Milo Cupcakes!!!! Delicious! Yes please - any chance of a recipe???!!!!

  2. sounds exciting and oh so yummy!! will watch this space! xox
