Friday, December 18, 2009


Welcome, welcome welcome.
So this give this another whirl, I can't promise that I'll wrote all the time but I'm sure when I do, it will be captivating.
New blog, new name. To answer my own question. Of course I have something better to do.

Chasing after this little munchkin is priority number 1. Trying to fight her away from the keyboard is quickly becoming my second priority. Miss Sadie at 13 months old and is like a human cyclone, turn your back for one minute and the pile of clean clothes, papers or anything within arms reach is scattered everywhere.
It would be great to get inside her mind. Everything is so new and uncomplicated and she certainly keeps me on my toes. Speaking of which she is in need of my attention, or food fetching skills at the least.
Welcome to my life

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