Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hello Santa

We have such a big day ahead of us. Our usual swimming lesson will be followed by Sadie's first ever haircut and then this years Santa photos.

I'm sure the haircut will go OK but we'll see if little miss will actually sit with Santa this year.

2008 was easy, at about 6 weeks old, she had practically no idea who the fat man with the beard was.

Last year the Santa was fun to wave at from behind the fence, but mamma had to sit in to get the photo done

and Dad's attempt, well I'm sure this would make funniest home video if there was a photo section

Sadie is much more aware of Christmas this year and gets exited when she sees decorations everywhere, i still don't know if she'll sit on Santa's knee though. 

Best I make myself a bit presentable, i predict I'll be getting my Santa photo this year again.

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